In a past blog post, Delivery Pipelines, with Jenkins 2, SonarQube, and Artifactory, we talked about pipelines which result in binaries for development versions, and in Delivery pipelines, with Jenkins 2: how to promote Java EE and Docker binaries toward production, we examined ways to consistently promote applications toward production. In this blog post, I continue on both by discussing more details on security related quality gates and bringing...
SCaLE 19X – the 19th annual Southern California Linux Expo. SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It is held annually in the greater Los Angeles area. Visit the Jenkins booth #604.
The largest global gathering of DevOps thought leaders, practitioners, and contributors, and all those dedicated to shaping the future of modern software delivery.
The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. At this event we will talk about the current state of the project and its future evolution.