On March 10th we have conducted the second Jenkins meetup in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The meetup topic was "Jenkins and Continuous Delivery". We had 3 talks addressing various aspects of Jenkins usage in this area. Talks Introduction slides [ru] Jenkins 2.0 and Pipeline-as-Code Speaker: Oleg Nenashev, CloudBees Presentation (en) Presentation (ru) Continuous Delivery for Documentation Speaker: Stanislav Ovchar, Motorola Solutions Presentation (ru) Continuous Delivery with Jenkins at ZeroTurnaround Speaker: Sergei Egorov, ZeroTurnaround Presentation (en) We also...
Over the past few months, I’m happy to say, the number of Jenkins Area Meetups (JAMs) has grown tremendously! The excitement around JAMs has gotten us thinking about something larger, something more globally focused. That led us to create vJAM, an online Jenkins Area Meetup, where we can share what we’re learning together. The effort will be spear-headed by long time Jenkins contributor, R. Tyler Croy. The key goals for the...
Vous êtes développeuse ou développeur, vous avez envie de découvrir le projet Jenkins de l’intérieur, en bricolant sur un sujet qui vous intéresse, lisez la suite ! Mercredi 9 mars, le Toulouse Jenkins Area Meetup organise à Toulouse un Hackergarten Jenkins, occasion idéale pour faire ses premiers pas dans la communauté assisté(e) d’un contributeur au projet. Hackergart quoi ? Hackergarten est un mot qui provient de la contraction des mots Hacker...
For the past few years, a couple members of the Jenkins project have made the trip to Los Angeles for the Southern California Linux Expo. Despite the name it’s a fairly broad open source technology conference and since it is hosted prior to FOSDEM, it’s also a good conference to get us in the open source mood after the holiday break. Unlike previous years, when SCaLE was hosted at the...
SCaLE 19X – the 19th annual Southern California Linux Expo. SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It is held annually in the greater Los Angeles area. Visit the Jenkins booth #604.
The largest global gathering of DevOps thought leaders, practitioners, and contributors, and all those dedicated to shaping the future of modern software delivery.
The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. At this event we will talk about the current state of the project and its future evolution.